Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy sunday...

Good evening my dear friends!

Time is running so fast and again the weekend is almost over.
Today I was very busy with cleaning my room and preparing everything for my big move to Erfurt. I was packing every possible stuff into boxes, so my room becomes more and more empty...

After working I took my magazine and my book together with a chocolate cappuchino and enjoyed the late afternoon in our garden. Soon the flowers will change and you can feel autumn in the garden. I wish I could drive to a wonderful place in nature which we call "Lüneburger Heide". There you can find a beautiful pink-violet plant which is typical for the beginning of september and autumn. You can see it in my magazine as well...

By the way I´m reading my book "Im Schatten der Wälder" since 6 weeks... I know it is a long time. It is a mixture of love story and thriller. By informing about this book it really sounded interesting, but it is kind of boring... But now it tends to an end and the last pages are getting exciting...

Today was flea market in Schwerin and I´m lit bit sad missing it. It is a good place to find unique and antique things.

Anyway I hope you had a great and relaxed weekend in the sun!
Lovely regards of your Louisa!



  1. Where did you get that sunglasses? They look so cute and stylish! :)

  2. Thanks! :) Actually I´ve found it in my holidays in Egypt, someone lost it... That´s why I don´t know... I´m sorry! But you´re right since that it is my favorite :)
