Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Finding peace and caught antique stuff

Eating good food, enjoying fresh air and walks through pure nature.... I´m in granny´s home now and it is a great place to find peace and feel secured as in my childhood.
I really do love my grandma´s apartment and her decorating talent. 
Anyway, today we visited a huge hall filled with antique, beautiful stuff. My eyes caught some specials waiting for me in the corners. Soon as possible I will share them with you, but for today I wish you a good night! My granny, mum and me plan a cosy girl´s night... 

Hope you have a good time!

dress - ASOS
scarf - H&M
bag - vintage

Monday, February 24, 2014

Exploring the city

Bird´s are singing, the sun is permanently shining and I really enjoy this weather a lot! Still can´t believe that it´s just February... feels like end of march almost! Well, after a lot of work we deserve this chilly lifestyle combined with bombastic weather! My friend and me walked through the city and explored the corners and the park areas... We have medieval streets and much green here as well as a modern part. That´s what I do love in Erfurt.
Anyway, my friend and me had a lot of fun by taking a pic here and another pic there and we share our together passion - photography. Our spontaneous actions are the best like enjoying Turkish food and watching 'Pride and Prejudice'...
Hey, tomorrow I´m leaving Erfurt for two weeks and I´m going for a trip to my granny. Can´t wait to see her...
On my trip I wore this super sweet and cuddly fool jacket and I got out my spring shoes with small flower prints. I´m totally in love with this polka dot scarf and my vintage bag!

bag - vintage
jacket - H&M
scarf - H&M
shoes - vintage
skirt - H&M

I hope you enjoy your time and this weather!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Freedom and Spring are calling me!

Freedom... I have it again after a long period of time. My exams are done and I just feel an overwhelming relief. What a great weather and the sun is shining so strongly in my face... Spring is calling us! Walking through the medieval part of the city and enjoy self - made cinnamon cookies made by my lovely friend. Today I´m going to start a new novel and I´ve got inspired by bird´s singing and a holiday mood to decorate my apartment quite springlike...

Hope you all have a wonderful time! I´ll enjoy every day full two months long...

dress - H&M
Mokassins - ZARA
bag - vintage
coat - H&M
scarf - SIX

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sharing impressions with you...

First of all, I´m really sorry for my delay, but as you know I´m deep in my exam preparations and now there seems to be an end soon... Tomorrow a week full planned with exams is going to start and I´m longing to the afterwards two months long holidays! I´m looking forward to so many plans and new experiences like my trip to Barcelona and Berlin in this term holidays! Don´t worry, I´m going to share all these things with you on my lovely blog.

But for today I like to share a cozy evening with a cup of hot tea and some impressions with you... Few weeks ago my grandparents visited me in my sweet home in the attic. I´ve got a couple of romantic and dreamy books of my granny which I´m going to start reading right after my exams! I love a good book in which I can lose myself or even find myself...

- Do what you love and do it often. Travel often, open your mind and heart to new things. Live your dream and share your passion. -
It was christmas when my friend gave me this self - made cup and I was fascinated by her chosen phrase for me. I think this is all you have to know about life and it actually is my daily motivation to solve every challenge... I do share my passions with you, I try to travel often as possible, an open mind is the key for creativity and I´m still working to live and fulfill my dream...

With these words, have a good night and do what you love!
In love, your Louisa